About me

Daniel U.

My name is Daniel U. I am from Louisiana and My parents were both immigrants. My dad is from Nigeria, A country in West Africa. My mom is from Kingston, Jamaica. They both grew up poor and do not want me and my siblings to have the same life but a better one. I have five siblings. They are Isabella (Oldest), Lillian, Gabriel, Joel, and Gianna. My oldest sister, Isabella, started teaching me coding and everything after that was self taught. I learned coding and it became a hobby. Soon I became building web-pages and publishing them on Code.Org. 

I started to build websites for a purpose so that I can practice and set goals for me and others. I love math because of its complexity and challenge. I skipped first grade and was in 2nd grade at age 5. I loved to challenge myself in a lot of different areas. I thought math was the best because you can keep challenging yourself to your infinity. That led me to creating a website about math.

Everyday I believe that learning is like a blessing with the active students and talented people around.

Students (and teachers)
My Philosophy

I want to follow a child-centered educational approach. I try to make sure that it is based on mathematical observations from birth to adulthood. I believe that a child is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.